Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps - Application #6 - Basic Network Sniffer

This is a lecture from my “Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps” course, which you can find at a huge discount (only $15, limited time offer) on my official website:


Sign up for the FULL course and get:

▪ Python Tutorial - App#1: Subnet calculator.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#2: Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#3: DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#4: Collecting information from routers and storing it in a MySQL database.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#5: OSPF network discovery via SNMP. Building the OSPF topology.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#6: Basic network sniffer.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#7: Configuration file comparator.
▪ High quality video, audio and text lectures and relevant and updated content!
▪ Unlimited, LIFETIME ACCESS to the course!
▪ 30 day money back guarantee, FULL REFUND, no questions asked!
▪ Instant and FREE ACCESS to any course updates!
▪ My FULL SUPPORT regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course!

Python (2.7.3) programming course aimed not only at network professionals, but at anyone having little or no experience in coding or automation and a great desire to start learning Python from scratch. This hands-on training takes you from "Hello World!" to complex network applications in less than 15 hours.

This Python programming and network automation course is especially suitable for Network Professionals (CCNA, CCNP or CCIE level).

First, you will learn and practice every Python key concept, which is explained in one or more video lectures, followed by a short quiz. 

Each video is filled with relevant examples, in a learn-by-doing fashion and the quizzes will help you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python topic.

After laying the foundation (and also exploring some advanced Python topics), you will dive right into the real-life network scenarios and apply your knowledge to build 7 great network tools.

Equipped with working files, network topologies and Python code samples (in .pdf and .py formats), you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and each application. I will provide a virtual machine with all the Python modules already installed and also the full code for each application, so you can save time and start coding and testing on the spot.

We will use emulated routers in GNS3 to test our Python applications in a network environment, so you can see the actual results of running your code.

Join thousands of successful students who have decided to learn Python, upgrade their networking skills and boost their careers using this 100% hands-on course!

Enroll now, grow your skills and improve your life or career! Let's get started!

Visit my official website to see all my courses: http://trendelearning.com/

Follow me on LinkedIn: https://ro.linkedin.com/in/tmihaicatalin
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeoMc15
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trendelearning
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MihaiCatalinTeodosiu
Follow my Google Business Page: https://plus.google.com/114777462555390300433
Follow me on Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/MihaiCatalin_Teodosiu
Follow my blog: https://labs4ccnp.blogspot.com

Application #6 - Basic Network Sniffer

This application is a basic network sniffer, which captures some predefined protocols and saves info about each network packet in an external file.

As with the other applications in this course, the full code is available for download.

Based on what you have learned so far in the course, it’s your job now to study, understand and test the code against a network device, as you’ve seen me doing with the previous applications.

Feel free to alter the code in any way you want, add new protocols to be captured, more data to be exported in the external file and so on. New functionality of any kind is welcome. Just make sure to adapt your code to the contents of the packet in Scapy.

Also, please read the first 33 lines in the code carefully, as they are a good introduction to the code that follows.

As you’ve probably guessed, I used Scapy to build this sniffer, because this tool allows packet handling, decoding and analysis in a very intuitive way.

Also, pay special attention to the recommendations and settings that I made before starting to build the user menu and so on. I am referring to these lines and the ones above them:

net_iface = raw_input("* Enter the interface on which to run the sniffer (like 'eth1'): ")
subprocess.call(["ifconfig", net_iface, "promisc"], stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False)

Further more, please read the comments before every code block, as they are good guidelines to what functionality is covered by that piece of code.

As you can see at line 72, the program asks the user what network interface is the capture process going to be executed on. A good example is entering “eth1”.

net_iface = raw_input("* Enter the interface on which to run the sniffer (like 'eth1'): ")

Then, at line 80, the user is asked to enter the number of packets he wishes to be captured by the sniffer:

pkt_to_sniff = raw_input("Enter the number of packets to capture (0 is infinity): ")

At line 92, the program requires the number of seconds to run the capture:

time_to_sniff = raw_input("* Enter the number of seconds to run the capture: ")

At line 103, the program asks the user for the protocol to filter the packets by:

proto_sniff = raw_input("* Enter the protocol to filter by (arp|bootp|icmp|0 is all): ")

Lines 115 and 116 are dedicated to choosing the file name and creating the file, by opening it for writing (“w”):

file_name = raw_input("* Please give a name to the log file: ")
sniffer_log = open(file_name, "w")

At line 124, you can find the function that takes care of the parameter extraction from each packet and logging the packet info to the file: def packet_log(pkt)

The program implements a counter for each packet, then records the source MAC address and destination MAC address to the file, on a single row.

Finally, the sniffing process is initialized by the sniff() function in Scapy, at line 138, passing the values collected from the user as arguments to this function.

pkt = sniff(iface=net_iface, count=int(pkt_to_sniff), timeout=int(time_to_sniff), prn=packet_log)

Now, to test the program, first you should have direct connectivity from the Debian VM to the router in GNS3 (R1 - was my test device):

root@debian:/home/debian/workingdir# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=255 time=429 ms

Let’s choose ICMP packets for capturing purposes and after the capture is started, I am going to ping the VM ( from R1.

Please see the following way to use the program menu as an example:

root@debian:/home/debian/workingdir# python Sniffer.py

! Make sure to run this program as ROOT !

* Enter the interface on which to run the sniffer (like 'eth1'): eth1

Interface eth1 was set to PROMISC mode.

Enter the number of packets to capture (0 is infinity): 0

The program will capture packets until the timeout expires.

* Enter the number of seconds to run the capture: 10

The program will capture packets for 10 seconds.

* Enter the protocol to filter by (arp|bootp|icmp|0 is all): icmp

The program will capture only ICMP packets.

* Please give a name to the log file: udemy.txt

* Starting the capture... Waiting for 10 seconds...

At this point, the program listens for all the ICMP packets it receives in the next 10 seconds on eth1 (ping from R1 now!). The results will be exported to the udemy.txt file.

And these are the results in this case:

root@debian:/home/debian/workingdir# cat udemy.txt
Packet 1: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 2: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 3: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 4: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 5: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 6: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 7: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 8: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 9: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 10: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 11: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 12: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 13: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 14: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 15: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 16: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 17: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c
Packet 18: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00
Packet 19: SMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00 DMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c

Packet 20: SMAC: 08:00:27:f2:9b:7c DMAC: c0:01:24:c0:00:00

Thank you!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps - Python and MySQL - Part II

This is a video lecture from my “Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps” course, which you can find at a huge discount (only $15, limited time offer) on my official website:


Sign up for the FULL course and get:

▪ Python Tutorial - App#1: Subnet calculator.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#2: Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#3: DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#4: Collecting information from routers and storing it in a MySQL database.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#5: OSPF network discovery via SNMP. Building the OSPF topology.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#6: Basic network sniffer.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#7: Configuration file comparator.
▪ High quality video, audio and text lectures and relevant and updated content!
▪ Unlimited, LIFETIME ACCESS to the course!
▪ 30 day money back guarantee, FULL REFUND, no questions asked!
▪ Instant and FREE ACCESS to any course updates!
▪ My FULL SUPPORT regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course!

Python (2.7.3) programming course aimed not only at network professionals, but at anyone having little or no experience in coding or automation and a great desire to start learning Python from scratch. This hands-on training takes you from "Hello World!" to complex network applications in less than 15 hours.

This Python programming and network automation course is especially suitable for Network Professionals (CCNA, CCNP or CCIE level).

First, you will learn and practice every Python key concept, which is explained in one or more video lectures, followed by a short quiz. 

Each video is filled with relevant examples, in a learn-by-doing fashion and the quizzes will help you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python topic.

After laying the foundation (and also exploring some advanced Python topics), you will dive right into the real-life network scenarios and apply your knowledge to build 7 great network tools.

Equipped with working files, network topologies and Python code samples (in .pdf and .py formats), you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and each application. I will provide a virtual machine with all the Python modules already installed and also the full code for each application, so you can save time and start coding and testing on the spot.

We will use emulated routers in GNS3 to test our Python applications in a network environment, so you can see the actual results of running your code.

Join thousands of successful students who have decided to learn Python, upgrade their networking skills and boost their careers using this 100% hands-on course!

Enroll now, grow your skills and improve your life or career! Let's get started!

Visit my official website to see all my courses: http://trendelearning.com/

Follow me on LinkedIn: https://ro.linkedin.com/in/tmihaicatalin
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeoMc15
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trendelearning
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MihaiCatalinTeodosiu
Follow my Google Business Page: https://plus.google.com/114777462555390300433
Follow me on Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/MihaiCatalin_Teodosiu
Follow my blog: https://labs4ccnp.blogspot.com

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps - Python and MySQL - Part I

This is a video lecture from my “Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps” course, which you can find at a huge discount (only $15, limited time offer) on my official website:


Sign up for the FULL course and get:

▪ Python Tutorial - App#1: Subnet calculator.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#2: Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#3: DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#4: Collecting information from routers and storing it in a MySQL database.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#5: OSPF network discovery via SNMP. Building the OSPF topology.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#6: Basic network sniffer.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#7: Configuration file comparator.
▪ High quality video, audio and text lectures and relevant and updated content!
▪ Unlimited, LIFETIME ACCESS to the course!
▪ 30 day money back guarantee, FULL REFUND, no questions asked!
▪ Instant and FREE ACCESS to any course updates!
▪ My FULL SUPPORT regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course!

Python (2.7.3) programming course aimed not only at network professionals, but at anyone having little or no experience in coding or automation and a great desire to start learning Python from scratch. This hands-on training takes you from "Hello World!" to complex network applications in less than 15 hours.

This Python programming and network automation course is especially suitable for Network Professionals (CCNA, CCNP or CCIE level).

First, you will learn and practice every Python key concept, which is explained in one or more video lectures, followed by a short quiz. 

Each video is filled with relevant examples, in a learn-by-doing fashion and the quizzes will help you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python topic.

After laying the foundation (and also exploring some advanced Python topics), you will dive right into the real-life network scenarios and apply your knowledge to build 7 great network tools.

Equipped with working files, network topologies and Python code samples (in .pdf and .py formats), you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and each application. I will provide a virtual machine with all the Python modules already installed and also the full code for each application, so you can save time and start coding and testing on the spot.

We will use emulated routers in GNS3 to test our Python applications in a network environment, so you can see the actual results of running your code.

Join thousands of successful students who have decided to learn Python, upgrade their networking skills and boost their careers using this 100% hands-on course!

Enroll now, grow your skills and improve your life or career! Let's get started!

Visit my official website to see all my courses: http://trendelearning.com/

Follow me on LinkedIn: https://ro.linkedin.com/in/tmihaicatalin
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeoMc15
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trendelearning
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MihaiCatalinTeodosiu
Follow my Google Business Page: https://plus.google.com/114777462555390300433
Follow me on Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/MihaiCatalin_Teodosiu
Follow my blog: https://labs4ccnp.blogspot.com

Friday, October 23, 2015

Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps - Iterators and Generators

This is a video lecture from my “Python Tutorial: Python Network Programming - Build 7 Apps” course, which you can find at a huge discount (only $15, limited time offer) on my official website:


Sign up for the FULL course and get:

▪ Python Tutorial - App#1: Subnet calculator.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#2: Configuring multiple network devices concurrently via SSH or Telnet.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#3: DHCP client simulator for testing a DHCP server in the local network.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#4: Collecting information from routers and storing it in a MySQL database.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#5: OSPF network discovery via SNMP. Building the OSPF topology.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#6: Basic network sniffer.
▪ Python Tutorial - App#7: Configuration file comparator.
▪ High quality video, audio and text lectures and relevant and updated content!
▪ Unlimited, LIFETIME ACCESS to the course!
▪ 30 day money back guarantee, FULL REFUND, no questions asked!
▪ Instant and FREE ACCESS to any course updates!
▪ My FULL SUPPORT regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course!

Python (2.7.3) programming course aimed not only at network professionals, but at anyone having little or no experience in coding or automation and a great desire to start learning Python from scratch. This hands-on training takes you from "Hello World!" to complex network applications in less than 15 hours.

This Python programming and network automation course is especially suitable for Network Professionals (CCNA, CCNP or CCIE level).

First, you will learn and practice every Python key concept, which is explained in one or more video lectures, followed by a short quiz. 

Each video is filled with relevant examples, in a learn-by-doing fashion and the quizzes will help you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python topic.

After laying the foundation (and also exploring some advanced Python topics), you will dive right into the real-life network scenarios and apply your knowledge to build 7 great network tools.

Equipped with working files, network topologies and Python code samples (in .pdf and .py formats), you will be able to work alongside me on each lecture and each application. I will provide a virtual machine with all the Python modules already installed and also the full code for each application, so you can save time and start coding and testing on the spot.

We will use emulated routers in GNS3 to test our Python applications in a network environment, so you can see the actual results of running your code.

Join thousands of successful students who have decided to learn Python, upgrade their networking skills and boost their careers using this 100% hands-on course!

Enroll now, grow your skills and improve your life or career! Let's get started!

Visit my official website to see all my courses: http://trendelearning.com/

Follow me on LinkedIn: https://ro.linkedin.com/in/tmihaicatalin
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeoMc15
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trendelearning
Follow me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MihaiCatalinTeodosiu
Follow my Google Business Page: https://plus.google.com/114777462555390300433
Follow me on Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/MihaiCatalin_Teodosiu
Follow my blog: https://labs4ccnp.blogspot.com